Sunday, December 14, 2008

60 Day Challenge Day 5 -

Although I did have time to do my workout today I am a little pressed for time and will not do much of a post. It's Sunday so... Bet the Jets.... ;-)

Friday, December 12, 2008

60 Day Challenge Day 4 -The yoga Tree Pose

BMI 28.94
Weight 202.2
Wii Fit Age 41

Today's new measure of my BMI, weight and Wii Fit age is basically what I had expected. I truly enjoy the exercises and activities and I did not expect a big change as far a weight goes but I did expect some change of my Wii Fit age., I find that just a little practice improved my balance immensely. If I lose 1 pound every 5 days I'm looking at 12 pounds total for the 60 day challenge. My goal is to lose 24 pounds and reach 180lbs before the start of the summer.

The yoga Tree Pose

As a first-time yoga enthusiast I am not be able to reach my inner thighs with the bottoms of my feet for this pose! I have to place the foot on the inside of the calf. I heard that you need to be sure not to place the foot on the knee, because this will strain the standing leg!

I find that I can increase my score by finding a still point off of the the television screen. This gazing point helps me balance and improve overall stability.

60 Day Challenge Day 3 -The yoga Warrior Pose

BMI 29.81
Weight 203.2
Wii Fit Age 54 (I Did not re-test)

Although you can unlock new poses as you progress through the game I will stick with the first 5 basic yoga poses until I am very comfortable with them. I do have a look at what is coming up but I will stick to a routine and add poses to my routine instead of racing through all the poses.

The Warrior Pose

The warrior pose is designed to stretch your thighs and shoulders as well as work on your balance. It is fairly easy to maintain but you need to concentrate on your center of balance. I enjoy the pace of the poses. They are relaxing but I do feel the stretch in the joints and muscles.

Tomorrow I will write about the Tree Pose. This is so far the most challenging pose or exercise for me.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

60 Day Challenge Day 2 -The yoga Half Moon Pose

BMI 29.81
Weight 203.2
Wii Fit Age 54 (I Did not re-test)

I thought it would be a little difficult to train around my young daughter (3 years old). I assumed she would want to jump on the balance board or try herself but I found I can easily get my 30 minutes in while she plays around me of mimics the exercises I'm doing.

Today I have done 5 yoga poses plus some aerobic training and strength training. The yoga poses are designed to stretch your muscles as well as improve your balance. You are instructed on how to breathe and start each pose on the beginner setting which is a great place for me to start as I have never done yoga before.

Half Moon Pose

The "Half Moon" is a basic standing side stretch that is designed to stretch your spine as well as improving your balance. It is easy to do but I realized that my balance is weak.

As a beginner you need to protect your back, and don't overdo this stretch - think about stretching your spine upwards, rather than bending it over to the side.

It is a good starting pose as it stretches your whole body.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

60 Day Challenge Day 1

BMI 29.81
Weight 203.2
Wii Fit Age 54

Today realized how out of shape I am. The only activity I participate in is golf where I play close to 30 rounds a year and I always walk instead of taking a cart but that is clearly not enough. I have lost my upper body strength, my balance is poor and my stamina is non existent.

I did my first 30 minutes of Wii Fit today with 10 minutes each of yoga, strength training and aerobics. The yoga is good for balance and stretching, I did OK with these exercises. The strength training on the other hand was something quite different. I could barely do the basic push-ups and I was very uncomfortable through the whole series. Hopefully it will get better as the days and weeks go by.

I am glad I made the purchase and I must now motivate myself and stick to this challenge. Tomorrow I will go into details of each exercise and how I easy or challenging I feel they are.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

60 Day Challenge Warm Up

My Wii came today and was extremely easy to set-up. Within minutes I had my profile entered into the system and was ready to start my first day of Wii Fit.

I ordered the Wii and Wii Fit system after reading comments on numerous blogs and forums that recommended the system to people who like video games, who are out of shape and would like to regain some control over their weight by doing light aerobics, strength and balance training.

My impression of the Wii Balance Board that came with the game is that it is very sturdy and does a great job of detecting balance. There are four core training areas included: Yoga, Strength, Aerobic and Balance Games. I have never taken Yoga in the past and have gone to the gym before for strength and aerobic training. The Balance Games are a nice touch as well and will certainly get me off the couch and into physical activity.

For me, the most interesting piece of Wii Fit may just be its tracking ability. Today I am listed at 206.3 lbs. with a BMI of 29.58, which is in the overweight range just shy of obese. It showed me that I am off-center when I stand and I have poor posture. My Wii Fit age, which is a measure of my current age with my weight and fitness abilities taken into account, is currently at 54 years old, which is 10 years more than my real age, it's terrible.

Today all I have done is go through the menus, exercises and games available, Tomorrow I will start my training program. 30 minutes a day broken into 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes of aerobics, 10 minutes of strength training with finally 10 minutes of balance games.